Yes, that thump thump thump, is the very healthy heart beat of my baby. We had an appointment today. My first actually, it wasn't the long medical history I was expecting (that appointment has been made for 2 weeks from now) Nope, I walked in the room and was almost immediately asked to drop my pants. I won't really go into details about how they got this ultra sound, but just know it was not from the outside of my belly.
Matt was with me and enjoyed hearing the heart beat so much, we decided to record it so you could here it too. It might be quite but if your sound is up loud enough you can hear it just fine.
It was an amazing experience. That little "thing" inside of me actually looked like a baby, not some alien. He/she was moving! We saw little arms and legs rolling and kicking, unfortunately I couldn't feel a thing. That will come in time. Here are some other pictures:
Can't see the baby as well in this one, but it's got the heart rate down at the bottom 174 bpm(beats per case you couldn't tell.)
There, my first bit of real baby news. I hope you all enjoyed that as much as we did! =)
PS: I haven't gain any weight yet, although it seems that every time I go to the doctor I'm a little shorter than the last time...They are measure me differently...I thought I was about 5' 9". A couple of regular appointments ago I was only about 5' 8" or so. Now, apparently I am only 5' 7". What is happening to me!? Oh and I still can't get enough sausage, it's some amazing stuff...or better yet...amazing IN stuff. =)
Oh! And!!! The little thing is almost 3 cm!! From head to bum. I think 2.97 cm is close enough we can say 3 right?