September 28, 2009
I had to find a doctor close by, I thought I might have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI.) Since Matt and I just moved we didn't have internet yet, so I enlisted Holly's help. She found a doctor that was 5 minutes away (walking!) Yay! So I called and made an appointment for 1 that afternoon...Not in any amount of hurry.
When I got off the phone with the phone with the (obviously gay, but very friendly) receptionist, I decided for kicks and giggles I would take a HPT (home pregnancy test. I figured they would do one at my appointment, just to make sure of what anti-biotics they could put me on. I didn't really have my hopes up when I took the test...First if I was pregnant I would have just gotten pregnant and it probably wouldn't show.
That little pink cross showed up. It took me a couple of seconds to be sure I could see it. And then I flipped. What if it was wrong?! What was RIGHT?! When in doubt call your sister...
So I called Holly....bawling...out of excitement or fear, I will never know. I ended up taking a picture of the little pink cross and sent it from my phone to Holly...I couldn't deny you could see it even on the phones crappy camera.
I called the doctors office back, not wanting to wait for another 5 hours to confirm what I just saw. Now I only had to wait 45 min....
They tested for a UTI, and I told them I took an HPT earlier and it was positive. They took blood, and they tested my urine. Both proving that the little pink cross really was there. I was 3 weeks and 5 days, when I found out.
I walked from the doctors office right to Matt's work, not stopping. Can you believe he had NO reaction! I thought of 50 different ways of throwing the news at him and he just said "Oh, I'm not surprised" What the heck!?
I think the best reaction was from both of our mothers. "Are you serious!!" (high pitched and was funny) Sounded exactly the same. =)
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