Saturday, March 20, 2010


So as you all may have read, I was on the search for a midwife that would allow me to have an all natural homebirth. After much talk and a few cancelled consultations, Matt and I have decided that we can not do a homebirth right now. With our living situation, (if you've seen how small my apartment is you would understand that it's not fit for a homebirth.) and money situation (we would have to pay out of pocket up to 4500 dollars before Elliott is even born, which would take away from things that we need to buy for her.) we just can't do a home birth.

But that is NOT going to stop me from going natural or doing a water birth. The hospital I will be delivering at has birthing tubs in each room, and I will be writing up a detailed birth plan. (yes I know it's diffuclt to plan a birth because you don't know what will happen) But the nurses and doctors attending the birth of my daughter will all know not to even offer pain meds.

Matt and I will be researching different relaxing techniques that he can help me with. We will be prepared as we possibly can by the time Elliott makes her appearence.

Oh and we came to this conclusion on a non-cranky day with a clear head. Hormones had no role in making this decision. I'm relieved. It was getting quite stressfull thinking of money, trying to find a midwife that didn't have a full patient load, and all of that. I don't think I'm making the wrong choice. If we decide to have another child than we'll know from the beginning what we want and what to expect and we can plan for a homebirth then. Now I can concentrate on things like what she's going to wear home, and which car seat to buy. Rather than how we are going to pay the midwives, were the tub is going to go and what if the tub breaks and gallons and gallons of water spread throughout our tiny little home(and since we dont have renters insurance...that could be a BIG problem.)


28 weeks. I am officianlly in my third trimester. This is the homestretch! WooHoo!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Kenna! I think you've made a good decision and I'm sure that it will be less stressful for you. Now you won't have to worry about where the tub will go and how you'll fit your sister and nephew and mom AND the birthing tub. And I'm really proud of you for still doing it without pain meds. You're an amazing woman and you'll be an even more amazing mom. I'm sure of it!!
