Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No More Disposables!

We are officially and totally out of disposable diapers! We now have 32 cloth diapers for Elliott. I'm so excited! The ones that just came in are pretty awesome! They are a bunch of different colors and are not as "puffy" as the first ones we got. Which means we'll have to change her diaper a little more often with the new diapers but they fit a little more like disposables so she's not stretching out her onsies all the time. We still have the older ones, I use them at night and for when we got out and might not be able to change her diaper when we should. (We all know it happens) Here are some pictures. I got Elliott to model one for the camera. =)

Aren't they simply adorable! I love them. When I ordered them, they said I could pick which colors I wanted and I specified the number of each color I wanted, but I didn't get what I wanted. Which irritates me. There was a cute one with bunnies on it that I didn't get. But before any of you repeat "Complain" I'm not going to. It's not that big of a deal. I'll just have to live with what we got. Ok now that you are all caught up on the cloth diaper situation I must go. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute diapers!!! It's irritating when you don't get what you order though.
