I recently decided to take up yoga. I've managed to do it for 3 days in a row! Yay me!! Anyway, instead of actually going to a class I found a video on Netflix that isn't too cheesy and I actually enjoy it. I try to aim for Elliott's nap time to do it, but that has only happened once and she woke up 10 min before the end. Haha. I'm hoping to keep up with it and do it every day.
Yes we went there today. We were going to go with a group of ladies and their kids from church, but after a misunderstanding (and being forgotten) we ended up going by ourselves. Which I completely enjoyed. The sea lions and otters where very nice and swam close to the glass so Elliott could see them. The sea lion kept doing circles and his belly would touch the glass on his way around, Elliott never took her eyes off him. The animals that were sleeping and/or far away she didn't really notice. And I think the only reason she noticed the zebra is because of his black and white stripes sticking out so brightly against the green grass. We walked around for an hour and then went to the cafe and ate lunch then went home.
This was at the zoo.
Unfortunately Smelliott didn't get much of an afternoon nap so she fell asleep around 5:45, woke up at 6 and has been super cranky ever since. She is currently taking shower to calm her down. She loves showers and baths, they work like a charm. As soon as she hears the water she stops crying.
So, (haha!!) I'm sewing again. I'm finally making some cloth wipes so we no longer have to buy disposable ones. I've got a recipe for some solution (if you want it just ask.) I'm just taking Elliott's old receiving blankets and cutting them into 7in x 7in squares and sewing them together. I'm also using some of the receiving blankets and old towels to make some breast pads. Eventually I'll get some water resistant material and make some menstrual pads as well. None of these things are fancy or the prettiest fabric but I don't care. They work, they do what they are supposed to do and they do it well with out us have to spend money every few weeks to a month. Which is awesome. Here are the first two I made. They are two pieces of flannel sewn together. The one on the left was sewn with the right sides together than turned inside out and top stitched. But I don't like how that turned out, it seems stiff and bulky. But the one on the right was sewn with wrong sides together with a zig-zag stitch, to prevent fraying. I wish I had a surger (serger? surgur? sergur? how do you spell that damn word!!) The rest I will sew with the wrong sides together and the zig-zag stitch. They rest will probably be different colors as well. The first two I was just trying to see how I wanted to sew them.

Elliott doesn't like it very much.We tried giving her the baby food from a jar, which she gagged on (if we could actually get it in her mouth!) but most of the time she'd simply refuse to open her mouth for a bit. So we are now moving on to different foods. The soft real people kinds of foods. Like yogurt, bananas, avocado and whatever else we can find that is easy to mush between gums and 2.5 teeth. The first night we offered her yogurt she went crazy and ate a ton!! (Well like 5 spoonfuls, so to us it felt like a ton!) But we've tried since then, same flavor of yogurt and she refuses. We've tried the bananas, avocado, soft cheese...I even cut them up and put them on the tray for her to pick them up her self, thinking that baby she just wants a little Independence. She'll pick up a few pieces, accidentally drop them, and then suck her thumb. Looking at me like "I'm not touch that crap give me some booby milk!" *sigh* Her pediatrician is starting to get a little worried about her weight gain. Well...more worried that we will have to start to worry. Does that make sense? Any way, the ped said to feed her what she'll eat and add butter to it. Elliott isn't gaining as much weight as a baby that is actually eating solids, so we need to load the food she will eat (though we haven't found one yet) with calories. Here's a picture of Elliott "eating" yogurt. This is the second time we offered it to her and she didn't want it. So I gave her the spoon and poured a little of the tray to let her play with it and get acquainted with it. lol

Ok. That's it for now. If I kept talking I'd go off on a rant about how stupid Matt's work is and how much I hate everyone who works there (besides Matt of course.)