I feel like if I don't write a post than my sister will fly all the way from Texas and beat me up! =)
I know, I know. I'm a horrible blogger. I don't really have a good excuse. Although my daughter keeps me very busy...I guess I could always write at night after she goes to sleep...But don't count on it.
As many of you know, my husband was laid off a little over a month ago. The same day we signed a lease for a new apartment. Thankfully after only one real week of job searching he found a new job! He is going to be the lead tech at Firestone in Lake Oswego. It's a bit of a commute but he'll survive. He starts tomorrow (Tuesday 11/08/2011) We are actually really happy with how things turned out. We put up with a lot of sh*t at his old job, but this new place offers over 31 benefits! Including, but not limited too: Health, dental, vision, 401K...The important stuff! It will be nice to have that kind of peace of mind. Knowing that *if* we get sick we can actually see a doctor about it!! haha
Our new apartment is...ok. We will definitely not be staying more than one year here. It's a townhouse connected to 4 other town homes. Unfortunately we have neighbors on both sides. The neighbors to the right are quiet and I hardly ever notice them. The neighbors to the left however...5 or so college students. And yeah, they like to party and play drums at 1 am, and go out and converse very loudly on their front porch well after the "quiet hours" They have gotten better since we filed a complaint with the managers, but every now and then we will hear their tv/drums/music louder than our tv.
Some of you may have heard that we signed our new lease with my best friend. Scott. We have also taken in a "lost puppy" who had no where else to go. To clarify this "lost puppy" is actually a human not a dog. The first month of her being with us where...frustrating. There was a lot of miscommunication and personality clashing. Finally we all sat down for a pow-wow and got things settled. Mel (the puppy) has also found a job that she will also start tomorrow. She'll be working at Bath and Body Works.
Elliott has a cold right now and is still trying to cut more teeth. So she's pretty cranky. You know, I'm excited that is didn't take very long for Matt to find a job...but I will be sad to see him go back to work. It was nice having someone else to help out with Elliott so I didn't have to do everything. He's actually better at putting her to sleep than I am, so I'm really dreading nap times after he goes back to work.
Me...well having Matt home, and Mel and Scott has probably actually been a good thing. Matt has watched Elliott so I can go out with Mel and Scott. I even got a new outfit and makeup! So I feel great. Tired and frustrated at times but great about myself! =)
Ok that's it for now. Here's some pictures!
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