Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Ok So It's obvious that I have already failed that the 30 day picture challenge. Let me catch up real fast.

Day 02- a picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
Tarek. My cousin. (No that is not Harry Potter)

Day 03- a picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Scrubs is probably the best show ever created! We've seen the entire series twice. 

Day 04- a picture of your favorite memory.
I know it's cheesy and all...but I'd have to say the birth of my daughter was a pretty awesome memory. 

Now I know that technically today is day 5 so I should be posting one more picture. But the picture for day 5 is supposed to be "a picture from your night" And since tonight is still happening I will wait until tomorrow to post that picture. Let me give you fair warning...it won't be anything spectacular.

So since I just got home less than half an hour ago, after standing in the literally freezing cold outside for 45 min waiting for the bus to take me home...I'm going to make some hot chocolate.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A Week Late and Day 1

Do I have you scared? lol I'm only a week late on my New Years post. (Nothing else is late!)
Christmas was pretty awesome. Holly and Peggie were here, we won Super Mario Bros Wii and got really close to beating Mario Galaxy 2. We played LIFE, 1/2 of Monopoly, plenty of card games, and some new games Peggie got us called Privacy, and Truth be Told. I don't know about everyone else but I had fun. I had forgotten how easy it is to mess up the house and how hard it is to clean with so many people. They've been gone 3 days and I'm just now finishing up the kitchen/downstairs. Haven't even begun to clean upstairs. Which of course is not entirely their fault. I seem to slip back into my childish ways and get even more lazy than I am regularly and didn't fold any of my clean clothes...they are spread out on my bedroom floor.

We had a slightly...anxious...holiday season. Just before the sisters got here I found a lump in breast. Rather than waiting we went to the doctor straight away. I had 2-3 screenings, an ultra sound, a mammogram and finally a biopsy just to find out that it was something to do with breastfeeding. But I'm glad we went in sooner rather than later. I'd rather know what it is and be safe, than not know and end up dieing from breast cancer because we didn't catch it in time.

Elliott is doing more "proper" crawling than army crawling these days! She's amazing and gets were ever she wants to go. She has already even attempted to climb the stairs. I was there watching her, just seeing how far she would get. It's time to invest in some baby gates. We've finally got out the play pin, because she is to big for the bouncer now and I can't just leave her in the middle of the floor when I need to clean the kitchen or vacuum.We've been toying with the idea of moving her crib into her room, hoping that since I won't immediately hear the tiniest noise she makes, than I won't jump up to get her before she's actually awake. But I'm still not sure I am ready for that. If/when we do that I'll be getting up and sitting to nurse her, rather than bringing her into our bed and going back to sleep while she nurses. Which will make me more tired come morning...but with the chance of her waking up less often...Well after a few nights (or weeks) we all might get more sleep. It will happen eventually...just not tonight. =)

This post is kind of jumping all over the place...sorry about that. I just have one more thing I want to share. And that is...

I think that sometime (a few years from now) I want to become a surrogate mother for a couple that can not have a child of their own. I'm not old enough at the moment, and I want to be done breastfeeding Elliott before I even begin the surrogate stuff. I want to spend time and enjoy my own daughter. In a year or two when Elliott is older Matt and I will talk and if we decide we want another child for ourselves...then that is what we will do. If we decide that Elliott is the only child we want, than we will discuss me being a surrogate further. If we do have another child for ourselves...than I'll wait a few years after that child is born to entertain the idea of being a surrogate then. This is not the first time that I've come across this idea, but I know that right now is not the right time, and I know that I will need plenty of time to thoroughly think about this (and maybe some counseling) before I will know if I am truly able to carry a baby for 9 months and then give it away at birth.

OK I think now one last thing.I've come across a "30 Day Challenge" That I would like to try. For the next 30 days I will post once a day with a picture of some sort. Sounds a little stupid but at least it will get me writing right??

A picture of yourself.

This is the most recent picture of me. Taken before Matt's work Christmas party.