Monday, February 15, 2010

Pregnancy update!

How far along?  23 weeks 5 day

Total weight gain/loss: At my doctors appointment 4 weeks ago I had only gained 9 pounds. I'll update tomorrow after my appointment.

Maternity clothes? Oh yes, can't even think about my pre-prego pants! I can still wear all of my shirts though.

Stretch marks? ..grr...yes! Not on my belly, just my sides and my poor bum. =(

Sleep: Eh, not the best but I get a little.

Best moment this week: Watching my belly move with Elliott's kicks. =)

Movement: All the time! She's going to be a soccer player

Food cravings: Biscuits and (sausage) Gravey, still. and Apples!! mmm.

Gender: Girl!

Labor Signs: Nope, thank goodness!

Belly Button in or out? getting more flat with each passing day.

What I miss: Seafood, and sleeping on my belly

What I am looking forward to: Getting big enough that you can tell I'm pregnant even when wearing a sweatshirt!

Weekly Wisdom: Take a walk daily. It will help you sleep better.

Milestones: 3rd trimester. Only 4 more weeks and I am there!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I dream of babies...

I've always had weird dreams. I don't have to be pregnant to dream of babies either. Even before I met Matt I would dream of a baby girl. But those baby dreams were sweet, and cute, and normal. So far during pregnancy I've only had 3 baby dreams, all about the sweet little girl I'm carrying right. The first two were pretty much the same.

The dream starts 3 or so days after I have Elliott and I don't remember labor and delivery at all! And the dream basically all about breast feeding, and whether I can do it (almost too well) or can't do it at all.

But the dream I had last night was completely different. It was not normal at all. I was with my parents and sisters in our childhood home. I was only 23 weeks pregnant (same as in reality) and little Elliott is moving around like crazy! All of a sudden, Ellie's face is pushing against my belly, I could see every detail perfectly, and then her head breaks free of my belly, she smiles at me, and then goes back into my belly. Belly is as smooth as ever, no scratch or tear. I of course freak out! What just happened?! Is that supposed to happen!? My mother informs me that is totally normal, just don't whipe any of the gooey stuff off because she could get sick if you do.

Ok,don't whipe off the gooey stuff. Right. So it happens again, Elliott's head is just sticking out of my stomache, but instead of going right back in she just sits there, and I'm afraid that she'll get sick if her head is out too long, so I gently push her back in (she's got a head full of dark curly hair!) making sure not to whipe off any gooey stuff.

The next time her head pops out, her body follows, so now I've got this baby (who looks to be about 2 months old) Sitting in my lap!! I get her dressed and decide to take her to the hospital because this can't be right, but that will have to wait until the next day because it's only 2 in the morning.

I wake up just as my little sister drops her, before she hits the floor. It took quite a few minutes to calm myself down and realize it was just a dream, and that Elliott would not really be able to stick her head out of my belly. But all through the dream it was like I could actually feel her moving...which makes me think that she actually was in reality. Using my inards as a jungle gym.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Elliott Morgan Tabbert

Don't you just love that name!? Matt and I do. We got Elliott from the tv show Scrubs, (Dr. Elliott Reed) yep love it! As for the middle name...we found that in a baby name book.

So I am not very good at keeping up on this blog, am I? Want to see my lastest belly bump picture? Of course you do!!

Ellie knows we are talking about her. As I'm sitting here writing this she is kicking like crazy! Matt gets to feel her move all the time. The other day she kicked so hard it moved his hand! It was pretty impressive, and felt really strange to me.

I have had, so far, a pretty mellow pregnancy. No complications (knock on wood that I end this pregnancy being able to say that!!) I'm getting to the point where it takes my breath away to bend over. (but I can still do it!!) I can't fit into ANY of my pre-prego pants, but I've only gained 10lbs so far! yay!

Can't wait until she's here!!