Monday, October 19, 2009

Back in time: How I found out.

September 28, 2009
I had to find a doctor close by, I thought I might have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI.) Since Matt and I just moved we didn't have internet yet, so I enlisted Holly's help. She found a doctor that was 5 minutes away (walking!) Yay! So I called and made an appointment for 1 that afternoon...Not in any amount of hurry.
When I got off the phone with the phone with the (obviously gay, but very friendly) receptionist, I decided for kicks and giggles I would take a HPT (home pregnancy test. I figured they would do one at my appointment, just to make sure of what anti-biotics they could put me on. I didn't really have my hopes up when I took the test...First if I was pregnant I would have just gotten pregnant and it probably wouldn't show.

That little pink cross showed up. It took me a couple of seconds to be sure I could see it. And then I flipped. What if it was wrong?! What was RIGHT?! When in doubt call your sister...
So I called Holly....bawling...out of excitement or fear, I will never know. I ended up taking a picture of the little pink cross and sent it from my phone to Holly...I couldn't deny you could see it even on the phones crappy camera.

I called the doctors office back, not wanting to wait for another 5 hours to confirm what I just saw. Now I only had to wait 45 min....

They tested for a UTI, and I told them I took an HPT earlier and it was positive. They took blood, and they tested my urine. Both proving that the little pink cross really was there. I was 3 weeks and 5 days, when I found out.

I walked from the doctors office right to Matt's work, not stopping. Can you believe he had NO reaction! I thought of 50 different ways of throwing the news at him and he just said "Oh, I'm not surprised" What the heck!?

I think the best reaction was from both of our mothers. "Are you serious!!" (high pitched and was funny) Sounded exactly the same. =)

Monday, October 12, 2009


Why can't I put space between my paragraphs...gah! Sorry it's all squished together...but I don't have the patience to figure it out today. =P

Our day with Jackie.

Jackie is a professional photographer. She is awesome. We met her last night for our photoshoot. It was freezing but really fun. We went all over downtown Hillsboro, started in a parking garage, sat on some stairs, stood in front of an ugly green wall (she assures us that it wont be ugly after she's done with it...I believe her.) You know that truck Bella has in Twilight...well we got pictures with one that was older than that...with the wood slats on the know? Well you'll see eventually. We even went to the Rose Garden. She tried to take pictures of us jumping...HA! I can't jump to save my life. Ha ha ha...We had an amazing time. We'll get the CD with pictures on it in about two weeks.
Remember in Juno where she says "I've got heartburn that is radiating my knee-caps!" Yeah...Towards the end of the photo shoot I got that. Never had heart burn before in my life...and now it's like I'm getting it everyday. Sure you hear that pregnancy is not that pretty all the time, it's uncomfortable, it's...blah blah blah. Do the girls who want to get pregnant care? NO. they just want a baby. They aren't listening to you tell them you will be constipated for the next nine months and beyond. They don't hear you tell them you'll be up every hour (on the hour) to pee.
Ok so I haven't hit that point yet. But I'm listening now...Only I still don't want to hear. I'm stopping everyone right now.
I don't want to hear your horror stories!!
Ok? So yeah. Don't tell me about the 36 hours you spent in labor, or how many stitches you needed after the little "bundle of joy" positivly shredded his way out. okie dokie?
Thanks. =)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

5 Weeks and Counting!!

Welcome! This blog is for my friends and family, (and I guess anyone else who cares to read). It's to keep everyone updated on what is happening with Matt, Me and the baby.

5 weeks today. And not feeling the least bit pregnant. But I'm not worried. The dreaded AF (Aunt know...that monthly visitor...every teenage girls best friend, the enemy of any woman trying to conceive) Anyway she hasn't come a knocking, and she's a week late. So all is well in Prego Land. Well when I say I'm not worried I mean I occasionally have small break downs, cry and then remind myself that there are no signs that I'm NOT pregnant either. I guess I just can't wait to feel the fluttering, hear the heart beat and know what gender I'm going to be raising. And whether or not there will be two of them. (Which is likely considering Matt's family. We'll find out soon enough.)

So much has to happen before anything can happen! It's slightly irritating. I think first and foremost the husband and I need to get married. Which means he needs an ID (which he lost 6 months ago and has procrastinated to the point I feel like strangling him...but I wont.) After we get the marriage papers signed we can get insurance, which I've heard is a good thing to have when pregnant. (Am I right?) And THEN I can find a practitioner in my area, which would also be helpful.

Well, it took me so long to find a name fitting for this blog I am losing all my creative energy and I can hear the couch, with it's comfy cushions, and warm blanket calling my name.