Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Great Day!!

Today started at 6:45 AM. No ones fault but my own. Elliott woke half an hour later with a smile on her face! We enjoyed a nice shower, bananas for breakfast and I worked on hand sewing the new cushion cover for my rocking chair (I'll have pictures for that in some other post.)

We left the house about 10:30 AM. Nice and sunny! Took the bus to the little strip mall that's about a mile from home. In target I immediately found the perfect socks to make sock monkeys!! They were 2 pairs for $5!! So I got 6 even though I'm only making 5 monkeys.

One each for: Elliott, my two nephews, my little cousin and my little sister! I of course get the last pair of socks to enjoy and add to my growing collection of knee socks (I have over 25 pairs!!)

Next we went to Micheal's and got embroidery floss so I can embroider their names into their monkeys, and buttons so the monkeys can have eyes!!

The entire time I was out I resisted the urge to go to Starbucks! Matt is going to be so proud of me. =) Oh and there were at least 3 Starbucks that I could have  gone to while out today! One of them right next to the book store that I went and got the final installment in the Eragon series. (it's about freaking time that book came out!!)

After we were done shopping (also resisted the urge to go into Old Navy, Plato's Closet and Ross!! Although going through Micheal's and only getting buttons and floss was more difficult than resisting clothes!!) We went to 5 Guys Burgers and Fries. I'm not a big hamburger person but it was tasty! And a much better choice than McDonald's!

Elliott stayed awake until we got home and nursed to sleep with out a fuss 10 min after we did get home! So there you go, 2 updates in one week! I know it sounds kind of like a boring day, but it was so great to get out on such a pretty (and warm!) day! Elliott and I are in great moods and I'm glad we got some fresh air! Now I'm going to go work on my projects!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Forced Post

I feel like if I don't write a post than my sister will fly all the way from Texas and beat me up! =)

I know, I know. I'm a horrible blogger. I don't really have a good excuse. Although my daughter keeps me very busy...I guess I could always write at night after she goes to sleep...But don't count on it.

As many of you know, my husband was laid off a little over a month ago. The same day we signed a lease for a new apartment. Thankfully after only one real week of job searching he found a new job! He is going to be the lead tech at Firestone in Lake Oswego. It's a bit of a commute but he'll survive. He starts tomorrow (Tuesday 11/08/2011) We are actually really happy with how things turned out. We put up with a lot of sh*t at his old job, but this new place offers over 31 benefits! Including, but not limited too: Health, dental, vision, 401K...The important stuff! It will be nice to have that kind of peace of mind. Knowing that *if* we get sick we can actually see a doctor about it!! haha

Our new apartment is...ok. We will definitely not be staying more than one year here. It's a townhouse connected to 4 other town homes. Unfortunately we have neighbors on both sides. The neighbors to the right are quiet and I hardly ever notice them. The neighbors to the left however...5 or so college students. And yeah, they like to party and play drums at 1 am, and go out and converse very loudly on their front porch well after the "quiet hours" They have gotten better since we filed a complaint with the managers, but every now and then we will hear their tv/drums/music louder than our tv.

Some of you may have heard that we signed our new lease with my best friend. Scott. We have also taken in a "lost puppy" who had no where else to go. To clarify this "lost puppy" is actually a human not a dog. The first month of her being with us where...frustrating. There was a lot of miscommunication and personality clashing. Finally we all sat down for a pow-wow and got things settled. Mel (the puppy) has also found a job that she will also start tomorrow. She'll be working at Bath and Body Works.

Elliott has a cold right now and is still trying to cut more teeth. So she's pretty cranky. You know, I'm excited that is didn't take very long for Matt to find a job...but I will be sad to see him go back to work. It was nice having someone else to help out with Elliott so I didn't have to do everything. He's actually better at putting her to sleep than I am, so I'm really dreading nap times after he goes back to work.

Me...well having Matt home, and Mel and Scott has probably actually been a good thing. Matt has watched Elliott so I can go out with Mel and Scott. I even got a new outfit and makeup! So I feel great. Tired and frustrated at times but great about myself! =)

Ok that's it for now. Here's some pictures!